Transitioning to self[i]


If you’ve been reading along with my writings then you’re aware that I’ve been undergoing quite an extensive amount of soul searching and self-healing throughout the course of this almost last year. Each one of my writings over this time period coincides with the experience and the understanding that I have gained throughout this incredible journey of personal self-rediscovery. An incredible journey that I unknowingly embarked upon back when what now feels like oh so long ago.

At every single step of the way, I feel that I’ve had to challenge myself in order to grow, in order to move on, and in order to heal. And nearly each and every single one of my writings, along with my steps towards healing that inspired them, have taken an incredible amount of personal courage for me to deal with, involving aspects of self-integrity, self-vulnerability, and ultimately, self-acceptance of myself.

All of my writings were ultimately written for me, as they are my own form of self-therapy. Which ultimately boils down to a form of self-expression, which to me, in whatever form self-expression takes for any one individual, is the key towards self-healing of that individual. After going through this process I am a confirmed and devout believer in self-expression being an absolutely integral part of living as a whole and healthy human being. And I highly recommend that every single person take as much time as they need in order to express themselves as often as they can in constructive and non-damaging to others ways.

Though my writings are ultimately written for me, I’ve felt such a strong sense of self-healing and self-development from them, that I created a couple of subreddits dedicated towards sharing and cultivating conversations geared towards these types of discussions with others (r/generationaldialog/ & r/agoodbadexample/). As of now, these subreddits are populated solely with posts from myself. And seeing that I never intended them to merely be a personal space for my own writings and only my own writings, coupled along with the fact that some of my writings are now veering off topic from the intended subject matter of these subreddits, I’ve decided to provide myself a space that is in fact, deliberately intended for my own personal writings only. So I’ve created my own blog to host my own writings, along with some audio recordings of my writings when any particular writing seems to call for it. My blog can be found here: self[i]

I intend to keep writing for myself, my self-expression, and my self-healing, and as I’m doing so, if any of my writings feel as if they belong in the above mentioned subreddits, I intend to share them with the subredddits just as I have been doing all along. I believe strongly in the ethos behind the concepts of the above subreddits, which to me essentially boils down to cultivating a sense of integrity and social acceptance in our failures just as frequently as we find social acceptance in our successes. Our failures can be our greatest strengths, as long as we don’t give them the power to render ourselves impotent due to the fear of nonacceptance by others. I believe strongly in being vulnerable with others about our own failures, especially in a culture that oftentimes feels as if it only values successes. I would argue that almost never has any success ever been met before without at first being confronted by failure. So why should we feel such a strong aversion to admitting to our own failures? It seems disingenuous to our whole experience, and disingenuous to our very selves. At least this is one of the lessons that I feel that I needed to learn throughout this whole experience of mine. And maybe, just maybe, by me sharing my hard earned lessons with others, things won’t be as difficult for those that I’ve shared them with. To me that’s been almost the entire point of my experience thus far.

So thanks for reading along and if you’re interested in continuing to read more of my writings, you’ll be able to find them at self[i]
